Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Merry Christmas (Year 2011)

Today at 8:00am (Paris time), we safely landed Paris Orly Airport. The anticipation that built overnight on board of D720 is coming to a peak! After the immigration check-point clearance, we collected the baggage from carousel no. 2, then off we went with one Peugeot taxi to the Paris Centre.

Everything is so fresh and posh, even the taxi also using expensive continental car - Well, at least to our standard. Taxi fare cost us Euro30.00, the journey from Orly Airport to hotel + 2 pcs of is the luggage (Euro1.00 each).

Slightly after 9:00am, we arrived at Adagio Paris Tour Eiffel. Something that really worth me remembering of this trip is the warmth and friendly welcome that we received at the reception area, and a special highlight to the hotel - they ask no deposit for our room at all - room charges are all paid for before the trip. Usually in most Asian countries, even we have paid of all the room charges, they'll still ask for a minimum charge of at least a hundred a night (we have met one ridiculous one in HK, that actually ask for full payment of room charges + full amount of deposit!!), so this is really a pleasant surprise! - Well done, Adagio management!!

After a quick shower and rest, Honey and I went of to Rue du Theater, that's where our aparthotel is located, we walked around... it is a very quiet and peaceful residential neighborhood. Even though most of the shops are closed due to Noel, but we can see there are places to eat - Western / Eastern, place for groceries and pharmacies - quite complete. We came into this Chinese Restaurant which runs by a Chinese immigrant, he serves no-too-bad Chinese food! Well, how much we can ask for right? Chinese food in France! Being away from home, we feel really warmth seeing Chinese food & rice!! Hehe... Like I always say, I am very Chinese when come to food! We ordered 2 plates of rice - Honey had the Caramel Pork while I had Onion Stirred Fried Beef and, 2 pcs of fried pork spring rolls + 4 'ha gau' - as expected it is not cheap to have Chinese food in France - total bill cost Euro15.00 (almost BND26.00). But still, it settled our craving of rice! :)

After much walking, seeing that the shops are closed and nothing much to be explored here today, we hop on to a taxi and headed to the world's famous - Champ Elysees!

- 25/12/2011 (Sunday) @ Brioche Doree Cafe (one Parisian style cafe in Champ Elysees)

Christmas Eve (Year 2011)

A special Christmas Eve it is. Without fancy dress and make-up, Honey and I are at our traveling gear, getting ready to board AirAsia X D720 to Paris, France.

I have promised myself, for at least once in my life time, I will set my footprints on the Parisian soil, guess I am making it happen now... How excited!

So much so of the preparation - early purchase of air tickets (as early as March!), gone through the trouble of getting the visitors' visa approved, monitoring of the Euro rate to convert my BND and also not forgetting the thousand of hotels review that we have read through in the internet before settling down to 2 hotels... I know all of these are behind us now. We are finally here... Heading to the City of Lights, our dream trip.

We are now close to 3 hours to departure, at 10:05pm (now!), my heart is raving fast, anticipation is high as to what to expect of the very first French morning would brings? :)

Till my next update... Merry Christmas to all! :))

- 24/12/2011 (Saturday) @ LCCT International Departure Hall

Friday, January 21, 2011

思潮 . 神經

曾經很固執的認為愛一個人, 只要自己用心的去經營, 那一段感情就會開花結果. 愛一個人不是應該不在乎一切嗎? 盡能力的去愛, 甚至愛到遍體鱗傷也覺得自己是偉大的! 但現在的我卻相信愛情是沒有絕對的, 你努力的去愛, 並不代表對方就一定要為你張開雙臂. 他可以毫無理由的拒絕你, 甚至對你不加理睬也沒罪. 在這樣的情況下, 你再不舍得放手, 也只是坦然!

勉強的維持一段感情只會讓雙方都更痛苦, 學習放手, 也學習放開, 生活肯定會活的更精彩. 但天生固執的我, 要愛了好多回和用了好多年的時間才領悟到這個道理. 放開手不再去愛那位心愛的人, 固然是一件好難, 好痛的事, 就連這樣一個念頭都足以讓你心酸. 真式的去做時該以什麼樣的心情和該預備多少的勇氣? 很多時侯不舍的放開的並不是那位你認為不能失去的人, 而是和他所經過的一切, 是他給你的回憶, 好的, 壞的, 你都不想放棄. 因為這一些回憶填滿了你所有的思潮, 你歡喜, 哀傷的神經...


熙熙攘攘的生活填滿了人們毫無至盡的“虛榮心”, 這種所為的“虛榮心”並不只限制於物質上, 在感情世界裡, 戀人對彼此的“虛榮心”更是無窮無盡的. 當一段感情剛開始時, 大家都以毫無期望的心態起步, 無私的為對方付出, 無私的默默承受一切 , 只要他快樂, 你都在所不惜.

剛開始萌芽的愛情是多麼的甜蜜但卻那麼的脆弱, 彼此都相信對方就是自己所要找的另一半, 在他身上你仿佛看到了自己, 不停的自問, 這世上怎會有一個人的性格跟自己這麼相近? 他的性格真的與你這麼像似嗎? 還是這一切都是他為了要取悦你而擬造出來的假象?


幸福雖然並非必然, 但想要擁有其實一點不難.

一對相愛的夫妻, 一段平凡的婚姻, 幸福就不過是如此.

它不須要華麗的裝設, 也不須要浮誇的諾言, 一切都盡在不言中. 你如絲般的溫柔與呵護, 境讓我受寵若驚. 你一再的努力表現自己, 讓我的驚喜一次比一次更大... 讓我相信愛能克服任何障礙... 讓我知道只有堅持去相信, 幸福就在身邊...

我的生活迎進了七彩, 你曾說過不讓黑白填滿我的人生! 你牽引著我一步一腳印的畫出我倆的未來, 而你寬厚的肩膀是這般的可靠及能令我安心. 我就這麼相信你, 就把我雙眼給矇上, 我也絕不會對你的方向判斷有所懷疑. 矇上雙眼的我就只靠你的牽引而找到方向, 不須要多問, 我倆的終點總會一致.

幸福就是相信, 相信自己最早的決定, 也相信為對方所做的一切.

幸福其實就在你手中, 一切都在於你肯不肯選擇去相信它的存在...