Finally, the exam is over!
I couldn't get up this morning, I slept until hubby awake me... and when I opened my eyes, it was 7.15am!!! My God, we're going to be late today! Well, not exactly we... But my hubby would be late. My working hour starts at 8.30am but his at 8.00am... I am going to make him late! And true enough, because of I... took my sweet time in shower, did my hair, make up and changed, hubby was late for almost 15 mins to work today... *blush* sorry....
Exam started at 4pm, I was in the examination hall as early as 3.30pm... exam was divided in 2 sessions, 1st the theory test from 4pm to 6pm and 2nd multiple choice, from 7.00pm to 9.00pm, but we requested to finish early. My theory part was a disaster, I wrote a lot on the test paper, but at the end, even I couldn't figure out how close or how far I went out of the topic! Whatever I've learned from the course notes seemed so irrelevant during that time! Nothing I memorized come to my mind, so I just wrote whatever I could, based on my common-sense and my best knowledge... *fingers-crossed!* let's pray the marker will at least like my hand-writing and let me pass! Second session, the multiple choice, it was OK, I found it a lot easier than the theory part, let's pray again... this multiple choice session could help me score some good points and push me pass!
Hubby fetched me from down-town at about 7.30pm, we went for dinner and I complained to hubby how difficult the questions were throughout the journey... Hubby just smiled and said, 'the worse is to re-take the test if you fail. Just relax! It’s over now!'... hehe... How could you be so cool at all times? I was panic to death for the test, but hubby's magic words soothed me down! :)
Our dinner lasted about an hour, and then we went to The Mall, Gadong for a HK movie - Flash Point, starring Donnie Yan, Louis Koo, and some 'older' handsome guys... Another great film from HK movie industry, Donnie Yan performed a very unique kind of 'kung fu fighting' called MMA (Mixed Martial Art) in this film, definitely another HK movie that worth my time and money. Louis Koo has a lighter character compared to Donnie Yan in this movie, he was not as 'super' in 'kung fu', but he is a good and determined cop as well, like Donnie Yan. Some of the older stars appeared in this film, like... Collin Chou (the main bad guy named Tony), Ray Lui Leong Wai (Tony's elder brother), Lin Guo Bin (Brother San in the movie)... just to named a few.
I can assure you that, not only will men appreciate this movie; tonight surprisingly a lot of ladies were in the cinema as well... of cos, one of the main reason for us, ladies, to watch this movie is Louis Koo... hehe... He's as cool and handsome as ever. In this movie, he was partnered with one China lady named Fan Bing Bing... Not sure if it is jealousy, I just couldn't find them matching, the lady seems too mature for Louis Koo... In some ways. Well, this is only my personal view, others might see differently.
Time to bed... It is 2.30am now... *yawn* - till tomorrow... Good night!
Official website for the movie: http://www.flashpointthemovie.com/
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